Z-903 Every element in the periodic table in seconds in a handheld

LIBS: Analyze elements XRF can’t test: Li, Be, B, C, F, Na and more. Improved performance on Mg, Ca, K compared to XRF. Microanalysis with 100 um laser spot size.

XRF: Great for transition and heavy metals. Easy to use, especially on bulk, soil, and ore type materials.


10.75 x 2.375 x. 8.625 inches


3.5-inch high-brightness color touchscreen, readable in all conditions. Rear-facing display for easy results viewing

Data Storage

Results storage: 32 GB SD card

Spectral Range

380 nm – 680 nm

Details About Z-903 Every element in the periodic table in seconds in a handheld

Measures Every Element in the Periodic Table

One analyzer, every element

The Z-903 accomplishes what no other portable analyzer has done. It’s a handheld analyzer that measures every element in the periodic table of the elements – from H to U.
It uses the same powerful laser as SciAps other Z-900 models, but with an extended spectrometer range from 190 nm out to 950 nm.

The extended range allows emission lines from elements H, F, N, O, Br, Cl, Rb, Cs and S to be measured. These lines cannot be measured with the other Z-900 series analyzers.
There are other benefits to the extended range. For example, it measures a more sensitive line for lithium near 675 nm to achieve limits of detection in the 2-5 ppm range.
It also measures a more sensitive, and interference-free line for potassium (K). The more traditional potassium lines have heavy iron interference, whereas the line used by the Z-903 is free of such interference.

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